• CSB Passive Subwoofer

    CSB Passive Subwoofer

    Being capable of frequency response of 45-250Hz and 42-200Hz, the CSB passive subwoofers are perfect maximizing your sound whether its for speaking, performances, or more.

    Available as the model CSB12B and CS15B.

  • D8-TBOX


    Size matters sometimes as the D8-Tbox is the line transformer unit capable of low-impedance power amplifiers to be used across a large venue, through several PA systems while maintaining a constant voltage.

  • MINI Series

    MINI Series

    One of the real tests of the audio sound reinforcement system is how the end user controls the ease of using the system to suit their needs. With these in mind, ACX has developed a remote Mini control panel and a touch screen control tablet panel to enable users to easily communicate with ACX Media Matrix System.

    Available as the K1 II, K4II, S4K1 II, S4II, and S8 II.

  • XWP Series

    XWP Series

    XWP Control is a revolutionary and affordable new series of high-quality control panels, which aims to, simplify and unify controlling the systems required in venues without the need of an operator on deck.

    Large distributed AV systems with multiple operators provide fast and convenient access to system parameters, or are simpler when needed. Small applications with more functions however use low-cost control solutions instead of dedicated touch screens or mixers. allowing for tactile response and reliability.

    Available in black, or white.

  • POE Series

    POE Series

    ACX's series of POE products does exactly what you need. A seamles connection for 10/100/1000M Ethernet and can be used as an ethernet power supply.

    The POE series provide high performance while being cost effective, and being durable enough to sustain some wear and tear with high anti electromagnetic interference capability.

    Available as the POE08 and POE24.

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