
Entertainment Venues

2024-07-01 16:11:16

Entertainment venues are where many audiovisual professionals cut their teeth, and there’s no doubt that the app has found its way into the hearts and minds of many of us across the industry.ACX's has carefully designed a range of DSP's for this industry.

One of the key topics of performance in venues comes down to audio quality. Sound that both accurately recreates the events on screen while delivering clear speech is essential for the viewing experience, and ACX has provided that. Created in its own global production facility, ACX offers a range ofthe 40-bit floating point DSPs as a reliable and affordable solution. With minimal delay, and 96kHz sampling rate, and equipped with an array of DSP algorithm blocks including feedback cancellation, speaker management, AGC, FIR and IRR filters and more, the ACX a DSP delivers best-in-class audio performance and reaches the goal of achieving studio-quality sound.

ACX has 3 DSP lines to meet performance venue needs. Neutrino is one of the most advanced products in the ACX range, with open architecture, drag-and-drop simplicity and optional units including Dante, AES/EBU digital I/O and acoustic echo cancellation. The X-Series products incluinge XD and XP marked products. Designed for the demanding world of live sound, these fixed-architecture signal processors feature similar DSP modules to the advanced Neutrino series, but lack advanced features such as networking capabilities, selection algorithms and I/O expansion. This wide range of options enables venues of all sizes and budgets to find a processor that delivers impactful audio to their audience.

In addition, for large performance venues with critical technology equipment, ACX native device integrations with third-party manufacturers including Audio-Technica, Bose and Powersoft allow technicians and integrators to quickly configure the system, adjust parameters and customize settings to meet the logitics of certain productions. Meanwhile, linking technical equipment through ACX programming software, ACX Console, allows technicians to command any through a control string on PC,Mac, or mobile devices using ACXTouch, or integrated wall panels. (Including lighting, blinds, seat rakes, projectors)

Entertainment venues are where many audiovisual professionals cut their teeth, and there’s no doubt that the app has found its way into the hearts and minds of many of us across the industry.ACX's has carefully designed a range of DSP's for this industry.

Entertainment venues are where many audiovisual professionals cut their teeth, and there’s no doubt that the app has found its way into the hearts and minds of many of us across the industry.ACX's has carefully designed a range of DSP's for this industry.
