• Centro-SM1


    At ACX we have a passion for digital audio with a focus on audio performance. Our Neutrino and other processor series processors are examples of our passion and focus. To provide additional systems approach flexibility we designed the Centro-SM1 DSP Site Manager.
    The Centro-SM1 site manager gives additional functinality to our various processors such as web-based control for devices including iOS & Andoid, Firefox/ Safari/etc browsers; Third Party Control Interpreter (simplifieses programming of third party control systems);
    RS-232 Connection; Scheduler (date and time event scheduling); and System Back-up.
    Some DSP project designs may not require any of this added functionality. So by not including them in the first place in our processors such as the Neutrion, we maximize its value for those consumers. in the first place we maximize their value. For those DSP project designs that do require some or all of our site managers added functionality, all are provided by the Centro-SM1 in a single rack space accessory.

  • RIO 媒体矩阵

    RIO 媒体矩阵

    为了使媒体矩阵在使用 Dante 网络的环境中更加灵活,RIO 扩展盒应运而生。

    标准 1U 高机架设备具有多种端口的多种变体,配备两个 RJ45 Dante 网络端口和 16 进 16 出 Phoenix 接口,用于模拟传输。RIO系列能够将长距离、不稳定的模拟布线系统转变为低成本、高效的CAT5e/6网络,用于音频信号连接。


  • MINI 控制面板

    MINI 控制面板

    音频扩声系统的真正测试之一是最终用户如何控制系统的易用性以满足他们的需求。考虑到这些,ACX 开发了远程迷你控制面板和触摸屏控制平板电脑面板,使用户能够轻松地与 ACX Media Matrix System 进行通信。

    提供 K1 II、K4II、S4K1 II、S4II 和 S8 II。

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